So far all of the ports we have visited have been in the Atacama Desert and Iquique Chile was no different, another place to return to one day and explore further.

The Tour
Our tour in Iquique was called “A Trip to the Past: Humberstone & the Jewels of Iquique. Humberstone is a “Ghost Town” that was deserted by its inhabitants when the running of the saltpetre mine was made unprofitable due to the Great Depression.
The drive out to the town went through the outskirts of Iquique, we were lucky to avoid a traffic jam that occurred just after us, apparently a police officer was run-over. Once we left the town we drove out through desert that surrounds Iquique. Our guide, Jacqueline, was very informative and provided us with a running commentary about Iquique and its surrounds, although I am not sure it is necessary to describe every building we pass 🙂