2016 Singapore National Day Fireworks

Another year has flown by, time for the 2016 Singapore National Day Fireworks. 2016 is the first year that the Singapore National Day Parade was held in the new(ish) Singapore National Stadium. This year’s parade was definitely a lower key event than last year’s 50th Anniversary, no Military Parade or Flypast, IMHO, this years fireworks were better than last years. Luckily for me my balcony is a perfect location to watch them from.20160809-DSC05105

Hope you like the photos.

The Singapore Flag

And now for the main event

Unfortunately there must have been a problem with the Stadium Dome as during the practice runs for the 2016 Singapore National Day Fireworks. I took these during one of the practice sessions.

2016 Singapore National Day Fireworks

As my place was the perfect vantage point, it was obviously the place to have a few friends over to enjoy them with me. Will post the line up shortly, as you will see I have some very generous friends!

Wine Reviews


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2 thoughts on “2016 Singapore National Day Fireworks

  • August 11, 2016 at 08:04

    great pictures! maybe I will be there next year to see it for myself!

    • August 11, 2016 at 18:41

      Maybe, although it is not the best time year weather wise


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