Oz’s Wine Ratings Explained

How Oz rates his wines. Completely subjective and does vary depending on his level of intoxication

Icon wdt_ID Rating Description
Bug-Spray.jpg 1 1 out of 5 Bug spray, good for cleaning or powering vehicles
Warning.jpg 2 2 out of 5 Acceptable at a pinch (must be extremely desperate)
Thumbs-Down.jpg 3 2.5 out of 5 Drinkable, might improve with age or decanting, good for the last bottle of the night when there is nothing else available
Thumbs-Up.jpg 4 3 out of 5 A good wine, may improve with time, a quaffer
Tick.jpg 5 3.5 out of 5 A very good wine, worth a try and probably a bit of patience if it is a young wine
Shooting-Star.jpg 6 4 out of 5 A great wine! Recommended by Oz
Rocket.jpg 7 4.5 out of 5 A great wine, definitely one that Oz recommends!!
Gold-Star.jpg 11 5 out of 5 Amazing, WoW. Highly recommended, please give me more!