Day 13 – Cruising the Chilean Fjords, En Route to Punta Arenas, Chile

Today was another lazy sea day, but it was an interesting one as we visited some pretty spectacular places.

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First stop was the Amalia Glacier. I was again very glad that I was on the starboard side (right side for those of you who have not worked it out yet) as the Captain positioned the ship so that the glacier was on the starboard from a viewing perspective.

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And yes it was as cold as it looks

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This is another glacier that it shrinking

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 After the Glacier we continued on cruising the Canals until we reached the Wreck of the Santa Eleonora. The Santa Eleonora was on her maiden voyage when she ran aground on the Isla Shoal in 1964, luckily all passengers and crew were rescued. Unfortunately, due to the weather I was rushing the photos and did not notice that there was an issue with the exposure, so the pics are not my best. Guess I will have come back and take more another time, at least my quick pic of one the characters of the cruise, Captain Andy, was not bad!

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Next stop Punta Arenas, Chile

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