After a very wet first night in Tokyo, I awoke to blue skies and mid to high teens Celsius, perfect for a wander around Tokyo. The district an around my hotel is near the National Diet and a number of Embassies. Expect it will be good for a photo or two (well, maybe at an extra zero to the 2).

The first area I came across was Ark Hills and saw this in the Ark Hills Garden. I am guessing that one of the local school or kids groups have created and are maintaining it.
The Colours of Tokyo
Whilst I was a couple of weeks late for the Sakura Season, cherry blossom season, there were still a lot of blooms around to brighten the day further.

National Diet
The National Diet is the Parliament of Japan, it is where the government of Japan meets to run the place. A fairly quiet place on a Sunday.

One thing I did notice around the Diet is that the different police vehicles were always running and that there were a lot of them.

When passing the US Embassy, you need to walk on the opposite side of the road, no photos are allowed.
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Japan Diet Park
Across for the Diet was this very tranquil little park

With the obligatory fish pond, obviously no one fishes in this pond. Check out the size of the fish.

A nice way to start off my Asian Odyssey. Glad I went for a walk in the morning as in the afternoon the rains returned. Tomorrow I am going on a tour of the Tsukiji Market.
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So happy to be seeing your journey!
Thanks, would have been more fun with you guys onboard!