Fet’s Whisky Kitchen Vancouver

Fet’s Whisky Kitchen Vancouver

Whilst in Vancouver I my hosts, Lou and Ken, decided it was time to check out their friends’ bar, Fet’s Whisky Kitchen. I am glad that they did as if you like a wee dram or six, Fet’s is the place to visit. They have been in business for around 30 years and, as per their website, they LOVE Whisky and even cook with it!

Vancouver, Fet's Whisky Kitchen

As we visited Fet’s after dining at the Blue Water Cafe we were already full, but there is always room for a Whisky!

Vancouver, Fet's Whisky Kitchen

“Life is good at The Kitchen” For more

2017 ANZAC Day Dawn Service Singapore

2017 ANZAC Day Dawn Service Singapore

Another year has flown by and it was time again to commemorate another ANZAC Day. I was in Singapore so attended the Dawn Service at the Kranji War Memorial. As usual I was fairly somber, but being able to attend the Dawn Service here in Singapore helps!

This year’s event was managed by the Kiwis, they did a great job (can’t believe I typed that, joking my friends from the South Eastern Australian Islands). This included an Honor Guard of Royal New Zealand Navy and Royal Australian Navy Sailors.

ANZAC Day, 2017 ANZAC Day Dawn Service, Kranji War Memorial, Singapore

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Random Vancouver Photos

Random Vancouver Photos

Whilst in Vancouver I took a LOT of photos, these are a collection of some of them.

Trans Am Totem

Whilst on the way to the Blue Water Cafe we drove past this interesting sculpture. The Trans Am Totem was created by sculptor Marcus Bowcott and was unveiled in April 2015. It stands 10 m / 33 ft tall and weighs 11,340 kg / 25,000 lb.

Trans Am Totem, Vancouver

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

The vehicles include a 700 series BMW, a Honda Civic, a Volkswagen Golf Mk1 Cabriolet, with a 1981 Pontiac Trans Am on the top, they were all donated by a local scrap dealer. Solar power has been used to charge the batteries that power the head and tail lights of the cars. The base is an old-growth cedar tree from Vancouver Island. I like it! For more

Blue Water Cafe Vancouver

Blue Water Cafe Vancouver

On my third night in Vancouver we visited the Blue Water Cafe. When I heard that this restaurant was on the agenda I did a bit of checking, and the Blue Water Cafe has a very good reputation and a menu that I could not wait to try, the great wine list did not hurt either!

Photos courtesy of the Blue Water Cafe website For more

Hawksworth Vancouver

Hawksworth Vancouver

My hosts, Lou and Ken, had arranged for dinner at Hawksworth in The Hotel Georgia. Hawksworth has been recognised as one of the best restaurants in Canada, so was really looking forward to it!

Photos courtesy of www.hawksworthrestaurant.com

Whilst it is an upmarket restaurant, they don’t have a formal dress code (thankfully). It is also not a big place, so booking is a must. The menu is not huge, but it is interesting and was more than enough for me!!!!! The wine list was interesting, had a few surprises on it, one of which I selected for the table (thanks Ken for letting me do at least something!). For more

Grouse Mountain

Grouse Mountain

Whilst I was in Vancouver I stayed with friends, Lou and Ken, who planned an interesting couple of days, with just the right balance of touristy stuff and relaxing. The first tourist destination was Grouse Mountain.

Grouse Mountain is about 15 minutes from Downtown Vancouver and, at its peak, 1,231m high. There a 4 chair lifts, 1 magic carpet and 26 ski runs. To get to the lodge and chair lifts you take a cable car called the Grouse Mountain Skyride.

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