On the 25th of April I attended the 2016 ANZAC Day Dawn Service in Singapore at the Kranji War Memorial. Always a somber day for me, but I do enjoy the Dawn Service here in Singapore, it is always well organised and conducted with respect and well attended, there were over 1000 in attendance this year which pretty good considering it is a work day here.
Thanks to the kids from the Australian International School Choir, they sang well. The two young buglers / trumpeters did a good job, the Last Post and Reveille are not the easiest pieces to play, and playing in the humidity of Singapore makes them both a lot harder. What never ceases to amaze me is how the bagpipes never seem to be affected by the weather!

One unique aspect of the ANZAC Day Dawn Service in Singapore is the ANZA (Australia and New Zealand Association) cyclists holding a ride prior to and then attending the service.
For those of you are not familiar with ANZAC Day, it is the Day that Australians and New Zealanders remember our fallen Service Men and Women, honour our Veterans and Serving Military Personnel, it is the equivalent of USA’s Memorial Day and Armistice Day in Europe.
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