After exploring the Hagia Sophia we headed to the Blue Mosque. We had tried to visit the Mosque on our first day but our timing was off as we were about to enter when the Ezan, the call to prayer, was chanted for Ögle / Zuhr , the middle of the day prayer, and visitors are not allowed in the Mosque during Salah, a physical, mental and spiritual act of worship that is observed five times every day . The timing of each of call to prayer varies as Islāmic prayer times are set according to the movement of the sun, therefore it is a good idea to check prayer times prior to a visit to a Mosque. Please note that Muslim visitors are welcome to attend prayers.
One of the educational services provided by the Blue Mosque is a presentation about the Blue Mosque and Islam, these are free of charge and start at 12:00pm and afternoon prayer times, I did not know about this until I read the info whilst processing this photo, thought that these were the prayer times. Something to check out next time. For more