South Pacific 2015 – Seven Seas Society Party

The Seven Seas Society is Regent Seven Seas Cruises loyalty program. Every passenger who sails on board a Regent Cruise automatically becomes a member of the Society. As with most loyalty programs you sail more often you sail the membership tier improves which means that the benefits you receive increase. Benefits are mainly associated with on board items, additional “free” ship to shore phone time, “free” internet, laundry etc.

I was lucky enough to achieve Silver before Regent increased the tier needed for “free” internet access to Gold, so I have that benefit grandfathered, a nice touch by Regent.

Regent seem to be placing more focus on the Society recently, they are now handing out badges for each tiers, presenting the more significant tier badges to people who achieve their new tier at a cocktail party on board.

This Seven Seas Society cocktail party was my first, don’t remember being invited on my previous cruises, and I am glad I attended. What was of interest to me was the number of repeat passengers that were on board. I am not sure of the exact number of passengers that were actually on board, 700 is the capacity of the Mariner, but there nearly 500 repeat passengers on board, including 15 passengers who had achieved Titanium before the cruise had even started. Titanium kicks in once you have sailed over 400 nights, I have a long way to go having only sailed 56 nights.

Apologies for the photos, I was still trying to get the hang of using high iso in low light environments.

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2 thoughts on “South Pacific 2015 – Seven Seas Society Party

  • April 2, 2015 at 08:02

    ISO really, working your way to becoming a amateur photographer are we, just a tip when photographing ice carvings always helps people view photo the right way around!!!

    • April 2, 2015 at 18:38

      It is called artistic license.


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